Biological Weapon


  • ธิดารัตน์ นุชถนอม


Biological weapon, Biological Weapons Convention, Biological agents


               This article aims to study the evolution and adoption of biological agents used in the cause of war or terrorism in the form of a biological weapon which causes impact and serious damage to the living thing and the environment. Together with the study of the global community together to eliminate biological weapons capable of mass destruction in the form of Biological Weapons Convention or BWC Convention

               The study indicated that the use of biological weapons in a war that has existed since ancient times, the history has recorded that the beginning of the year 1346 A.D and have been developed up until now. The country's efforts to control the use of these biological weapons to jointly prepared by Biological Weapons Convention and on their destruction effective from 26th March 1975. However, Biological Weapons Convention has drawbacks in the scope of the Convention itself and the lack of a monitoring system under the Convention. Some countries have also exploits a gap in breach of its obligations, including some countries that do not agree with strict monitoring because they believe it will cause more harm than good especially in industry.

However, the most important in reducing or preventing the spread of biological weapons is understanding and mutual trust between countries to live together without war and peace.


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How to Cite

นุชถนอม ธ. (2017). Biological Weapon. Public Health Policy and Laws Journal, 3(2), 247–257. Retrieved from



Academic Article / Perspectives