Primary care service system with development standards


  • นันทินารี คงยืน


health services, primary care, developmental standards


                This article aims to describe health care system in Thailand that covers both health promotion, disease prevention, medical treatment, and rehabilitation, as well as analyzing the problem of not using primary care units near home, but choosing a secondary or tertiary hospital with a reputation for common or general sickness. This caused a problem of too many patients in the hospital, which led to not enough medical personnel’s attention for medical care services.  Moreover, present health system is currently being set up for the purpose of health care, rather than health promotion.  Reorientation of health care system should have community participation.  Strengthening community to be proactive by having health promotion program, diseases prevention activities, and monitoring risky health behaviours by community members should be the objectives/goals.  Primary health care units should have standard development for complete service system by capacity building of staffs and strengthening trust of community members for primary care services. 


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How to Cite

คงยืน น. (2017). Primary care service system with development standards. Public Health Policy and Laws Journal, 3(3), 374–387. Retrieved from



Academic Article / Perspectives