Review of Law & Policy toward Health Care Management For Senior Citizen


  • ฉัตรสุมน พฤฒิภิญโญ


The proportion of the elderly indicated that Thailand already entered the ageing society. Thailand enacted the Seniors Citizens Act B.E. 2546 (in 2003).  This law requires that seniors citizens are entitled to have protection, promotion and support in areas such as health services, social services, assisting or exemption various public services; they should receive welfare in housing, living allowance etc. Tax exemption for those who donate money or property to elderly fund, and to those who take care of their parents/elderly.

The mechanism of policy development for seniors has three levels: 1) At the national level with the National Committee for the Elderly which was founded in B.E. 2549 according to guidelines in developing integrated policy approach between the various departments. 2) At the ministry level, the main ministries provide services for elder are Ministry of Public Health and Ministry of Social Development and Human Security and 3) At the operating level, Regional agencies develop services according to framework and technical support which come from central agencies. Overview of legislation to manage for health care services for the elderly,  needs to be done wholistically and integration in terms of social, economic and political management strengthening the community to contribute to the development of healthy elderly, by promoting and developing the role of local administration in the development of healthy elderly.


กระทรวงพัฒนาสังคมและความมั่นคงแห่งมนุษย์ คณะกรรมการผู้สูงอายุแห่งชาติ. (2548). สถานการณ์ผู้สูงอายุไทย พ.ศ. 2548. มปท.

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How to Cite

พฤฒิภิญโญ ฉ. (2015). Review of Law & Policy toward Health Care Management For Senior Citizen. Public Health Policy and Laws Journal, 1(2), 149–163. Retrieved from



Academic Article / Perspectives