Administrative Order and Case Study in Public Health


  • ฉัตรสุมน พฤฒิภิญโญ


Administrative Order, Legitimate Control, Legal Administrative Procedure Act, 2539 B,E.


This article aims to describe 1) the administrative order, procedure, legitimacy and revocation of administrative order, and 2) a case study based on Legal Administrative Procedure Act, B.E. 2539.  Analysis results of administrative order of government agencies indicated that there may be some incomplete administrative orders issued.  This may be because of defects in the form or procedure or imperfections in the substance/content of the administrative orders. The incomplete administrative orders are still considered legal, with the exception of the most serious incomplete administrative order which will be considered void.   

For the subordinate party which will appeal the administrative order, for revocation, the authority who issued the administrative order will reconsider its own administrative order, or revoke or change the administrative order or change it in any way deemed appropriate. It must be done and notify the appellant that the authority agrees or disagrees with the appeal without delay, not later than 30 days from the date of appeal received. For lawsuit sought to annul the administrative order, it must be considered within 90 days from the date that is known or should be known on the cause of the lawsuit.


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How to Cite

พฤฒิภิญโญ ฉ. (2015). Administrative Order and Case Study in Public Health. Public Health Policy and Laws Journal, 2(1), 95–116. Retrieved from



Academic Article / Perspectives