Factors Affecting Deterrence of Alcoholic Beverage Drinking among Air Technical Cadets according to Alcohol Control Law and Regulations


  • ณัฐกาล ลายนอก


deterrence, alcoholic beverage, laws and regulations of air technical training school, air technical cadets


This  is a survey research, with the objective of  studying the correlation between the perception of compliance with alcohol control law and regulations of Air Technical Training School towards alcoholic beverage drinking among Air Technical students, and the deterrence of the alcoholic beverage drinking among Air Technical cadets of Air Technical Training School Year 2015. Data was collected from the sample group that comprised of 230 Air Technical cadets from the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year of school year 2015. The 230 sets of questionnaire were used to collect data during June - July 2015, accounted for 100%. The collected data was analyzed by percentage, mean, standard deviation, Pearson Correlation Coefficient, and Multiple Regression Analysis.         

Findings indicated that Air Technical students had a deterrence of alcoholic beverage drinking after the perception of laws and regulations of Air Technical Training School. In addition, attitude, value, knowledge, and reference groups affecting alcoholic beverage drinking was able to inhibit them from drinking alcoholic beverage and drinking less alcoholic beverage for 3.65% on the average. The reasons for the deterrence were that they realized that drinking alcoholic beverage was harmful to themselves, their family, and society, which was accounted for 63.4%. The correlation between the perception of compliance with laws and regulations of Air Technical Training School towards alcoholic beverage drinking did not related to the deterrence of alcoholic beverage drinking among Air Technical Training students. Furthermore, the correlation between attitude, value, knowledge, and reference groups towards alcoholic beverage drinking had negative correlation to the deterrence of alcoholic beverage drinking among Air Technical cadets with the statistical significance (p < 0.01). From the results, more campaigns to promote the perception of punishment were required. Moreover, activities to provide knowledge of alcoholic beverage drinking to Air Technical students to create the attitude and knowledge of alcoholic beverage should be organized. Family had important role to advise and caution them about alcoholic beverage drinking. Lastly, activities to create value of alcoholic beverage drinking deterrence to Air Technical cadets and youths to reduce the number of new drinkers should be taken for considerations.  


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How to Cite

ลายนอก ณ. (2015). Factors Affecting Deterrence of Alcoholic Beverage Drinking among Air Technical Cadets according to Alcohol Control Law and Regulations. Public Health Policy and Laws Journal, 2(2), 151–159. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/journal_law/article/view/162394



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