Condom use behavior among reproductive age in Phayao province


  • ณรงค์ - ใจเที่ยง คณะเเพทยศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยพะเยา
  • ปฏิพัทธ์ วงค์เรือง


condom, reproductive age, Phayao Province


This research aimed to study 1. the general behavior characteristics of reproductive age in Phayao province, 2. condoms use among reproductive age and 3. the relationship of general behavior characteristics and condoms use among reproductive age.  The data collected by questionnaire with Cronbach's alpha confidence reliability of 0.961. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Chi Square. The Reliability estimated by Cronbach's alpha, is .961. The descriptive statistics and Chi Square were used for data analysis.

The results indicate that 58.5% of reproductive age in the province are male, with 38.0% are between 20-21 years,69.0% graduated with bachelor’s degree, with 57.5% do not have part-time or special work, and 87.0% receive income from parents, with 38.0% has income between 5,001-7,500 baht/month. Condom use behavior among reproductive age in Phayao province are as follows: 66.2% drink alcohol, 71.5% has high level of knowledge in condom use, with 52.5% has moderate level in attitudes, with 48.3% has high level of the enabling factors, 45.8% has never been to adult entertainment places such as nightclub, and 59.5% of reproductive age in Phayao province has a high level of condom use behavior. This behavior is associated with gender, age, education level, status, part time, monthly income, alcohol drinking adult, entertainment venues, knowledge and attitudes. Therefore, parents, school, and public health agencies should campaign for condom use appropriately.



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How to Cite

ใจเที่ยง ณ. .-., & วงค์เรือง ป. (2020). Condom use behavior among reproductive age in Phayao province. Public Health Policy and Laws Journal, 6(1), 21–32. Retrieved from



Original Article