Patient’s rights compliance by registered nurses in Chulabhorn hospital


  • ดาริน จอมวงค์ ห้องผ่าตัด โรงพยาบาลจุฬาภรณ์
  • สุธี อยู่สถาพร
  • ฉัตรสุมน พฤฒิภิญโญ
  • วิริณธิ์ กิตติพิชัย


patient, patient's right, registered nurse


               The survey research objective is to investigate registered nurses ‘s perspectives toward the practice of patient rights at Chulabhorn Hospital, and to study the association of personal characteristics of registered nurses, perceptions regarding organizational atmosphere, professional legal knowledge and the patient’s rights, on compliance of registered nurses. One hundred forty samples were registered nurses working at in-patient department, out-patient department and special departments at Chulabhorn hospital. All were asked to answer questionnaire. Data was collected in June 2019. The reliability value of perceived work atmosphere and patients’ right compliance were 0.827 and 0.806 respectively.  Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics consisting of percentage, arithmetic means, and standard deviation. Chi-square was used to analyze the correlation between characteristics and patients’ right compliance. Pearson’s Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient was employed to analyze the relationship between the perception of organizational atmosphere, professional legal knowledge and patients’ rights compliance

              The results indicated that the practice of patient’s rights was at a medium level (x ̅= 2.945). On the association of personal characteristics of professional nurses, results indicated that there was an association of experience in working with patient’s rights compliance (p = 0.021), and there were no association of age, department of work, education level and specialized training of registered nurses, with patient’s right compliance. The association of organizational atmosphere perception and patient’s rights compliance was at a low level with statistical significant (r = 0.268, p = 0.001). The association of professional legal knowledge, and patients’ right knowledge, with patients’ right compliance was at a low level.

             The findings of this research indicated that patient’s right compliance should be encouraged. Transforming of policy to practice should be done through monitoring, and controlling closely. Guideline in patient’s right compliance should be established. Seminar and workshop on patient’s right compliance should be conducted to promote the appropriate practice, which should lead to organization culture for patient’s right compliance


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How to Cite

จอมวงค์ ด., อยู่สถาพร ส., พฤฒิภิญโญ ฉ., & กิตติพิชัย ว. (2020). Patient’s rights compliance by registered nurses in Chulabhorn hospital. Public Health Policy and Laws Journal, 6(1), 127–140. Retrieved from



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