The Association between Knowledge, Attitude on Law Enforcement toward Traffic Law of Student of Sciences and Technology in Mahasarakham University


  • Wilawun Chada 0942801551
  • Songkramchai Leethongdissakul
  • Wipa Chuppawa
  • Nuttapong Changngan


Knowledge/ Attitude/ Law Enforcement/ Traffic law


This research was a descriptive study. The objective determined the relation of knowledge, attitude and law enforcement toward traffic law. Data collected in students of Sciences and Technology Branch in Mahasarakham University in 370 cases by questionnaire survey. Data analysis used the descriptive statistics and the Spearman Rank Difference Method.

Result found mostly female 53.73%, age range 20-22 years, stay in external dormitory 719%, riding motorbike 62.7%, has motorbike insurance 86.8% and has a driver’s license 74.6%. The samples have knowledge in the middle level, the attitude at a high level and law enforcement at the middle level. The relation of the knowledge, attitude and enforcement toward traffic law found 1) Knowledge related attitude on traffic law in low level 2) Knowledge related law enforcement toward traffic law, the opposite direction and 3) Attitude related law enforcement toward traffic law, the opposite direction.

The suggestion should be publicized and provided knowledge about traffic laws, traffic law enforcement process, and should have a campaign about compliance with traffic laws. Including raising awareness for students to be aware of knowledge and create discipline in traffic and driving


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How to Cite

Chada, W., Leethongdissakul , S. ., Chuppawa, W. ., & Changngan, N. . (2020). The Association between Knowledge, Attitude on Law Enforcement toward Traffic Law of Student of Sciences and Technology in Mahasarakham University. Public Health Policy and Laws Journal, 6(2), 307–315. Retrieved from



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