Perceptions of professional nurses regarding ethics and organizational culture in a university hospital


  • Phasawee Thepkarn Faculty of Public Health, Mahidol University
  • Chardsumon Prutipinyo
  • Wanna Phahuwatanakorn
  • Nithat Sirichotiratana


professional nurses, professional ethic, perception, organizational culture


This research is a survey study. 1. Study the level of professional nursing ethics perception, and organizational culture perception. 2. Study the association of demographic characteristics of professional nurses and perceptions on ethics and organizational culture. Data were collected from 276 professional nurses in a university hospital by sample random sampling, and research instrument was a questionnaire. There were 249 returned questionnaires, accounting for 90.2%. Data analysis included were percentage, mean, standard deviation and Chi-square test.

The research found that professional nurses had the highest level of perceptions on the Nursing Council Regulation on professional ethics of nurse and midwifery, B.E.2550, and organizational culture. Demographic characteristic associated with the highest perception of Nursing Council Regulation on professional ethics of nurse and midwifery B.E.2550, with statistically significant, was a particular department where nurses were being employed (p<0.05). Age, marital status, length of employment, and level of education were not related to the perception of Nursing Council Regulation on professional ethics of nurse and midwifery B.E.2550. Demographic characteristics were not related to the perception of organizational culture. As far as perception of detailed organizations culture was concerned, every item on the questionnaire received highest score. The items on seniority and companionship had the lowest score ( = 4.27, SD=0.493). It is recommended that activities for improving professional relationships and camaraderie among senior staff should be promoted.





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How to Cite

Thepkarn, P., Prutipinyo, C. ., Phahuwatanakorn, W. ., & Sirichotiratana, N. . (2020). Perceptions of professional nurses regarding ethics and organizational culture in a university hospital. Public Health Policy and Laws Journal, 6(2), 279–292. Retrieved from



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