Public Health Center’s Elderly Services: a case study of care manager and care giver of dependent elderly in a Municipality, Thailand


  • Janjira Inthajit Major in Public Health of Administration, Faculty of Public Health, Mahidol University, Bangkok
  • Prof. Dr. Chardsumon Prutipinyo


Public health care managers, care givers for dependent elderly, elderly


This study is a qualitative research with the objective to survey and analyze public health center’s services.  This is a case study of care managers and care givers of dependent elderly, in a municipality.  Samples were 81 public health personnel, or care managers and care givers.  Data collection was conducted through questionnaire and interview.  Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and content analysis.

Results indicated that public health personnel, or care managers and care givers, should receive continuing education at least once a year.  Annual financial support should facilitate personnel to obtain necessary materials such as adult diapers, and various physical rehabilitation equipment, in order to be able to work with dependent elderly.  There should be cooperation from various stakeholders, in order to achieve integrated teamwork, to increase efficiencies in elderly care services.


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How to Cite

Inthajit, J., & Prutipinyo, C. (2021). Public Health Center’s Elderly Services: a case study of care manager and care giver of dependent elderly in a Municipality, Thailand . Public Health Policy and Laws Journal, 7(1), 103–120. Retrieved from



Original Article