Nurses’ perception of smoke-free hospital policy implementation, in Central Chest Institute of Thailand


  • Isara Meeplad Faculty of Public Health, Mahidol University


โรงพยาบาลปลอดบุหรี่, นโยบายโรงพยาบาลปลอดบุหรี่


This descriptive research, aimed to study the perception of smoke-free hospital policy implementation, in Central Chest Institute of Thailand.  Data collection on perceptions of non-smoking area, perception on surveillance and law enforcement, and opinions of smoke-free hospital policy implementation, were from 129 nurses. Questionnaire was used, and data analysis were percentage, mean and standard deviation.

Results indicated the following:  for non-smoking area part, nurses saw the institute's non-smoking signboard in front of the institute, at the fence/gate/walls in ward, cafeteria area, and patient's bathroom area.  Nurses’ perception was at a high level for non-smoking sign/symbol.  They were aware of non-smoking signs/symbols at the institute’s central vehicle area, and saw people smoking, which were violations, at a moderate level. Nurses’ perception was at a high level for surveillance and law enforcement part.  They heard the public relations’ announcement of non-smoking area continuously, and saw the activity of health education for patients on dangers of cigarettes smoking.  Nurses perception was at a high level for the institute's smoke-free policy.  For opinions of smoke-free hospital policy implementation part; results indicated that nurses’ perception was at a high level.

Recommendations are the following.  Administrators should support personnel by clearly specifying management guidelines, in case of violations, so that the hospital will be 100% smoke-free. Administrators should focus more on working together as a team, among multidisciplinary health professions.  Administrators should provide guidelines, for patient’s information, especially on monitoring and evaluation of smoking cessation counseling.


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How to Cite

Meeplad, I. . (2020). Nurses’ perception of smoke-free hospital policy implementation, in Central Chest Institute of Thailand. Public Health Policy and Laws Journal, 6(Supplement), S71-S82. Retrieved from



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