Medical cannabis and news coverage: an analysis of how Thai mass media frame medical cannabis news



Medical Cannabis, News Reports, Mass media, Thailand



This research examines: (1) news reports on medical cannabis in Thai mass media before and after cannabis legalization during July 2018 to October 2019, and (2) how mass media in Thailand frames the medical cannabis news. Researchers used keywords "Cannabis," and "Medical CANNABIS" to identify related news pieces. The study was conducted from July 2018 to October 2019.

        The results of the research were as follows. Firstly, on the matter of news reported on medical cannabis, there were 1,951 news articles in newspapers from June 2018 to October 2019. Medical cannabis was reported as the top three news, first appeared in May 2019, 13.42%, followed by 11.07% in November 2018, and 10.25% in April 2019. The newspaper which contained the most significant number of such news articles was Matichon.

        Secondly, the news source most frequently cited was government agencies. Most of them were under the supervision of the Ministry of Public Health.  Written news articles illustrated neutral attitude toward medical cannabis.


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How to Cite

Roonkaseam, N. (2021). Medical cannabis and news coverage: an analysis of how Thai mass media frame medical cannabis news . Public Health Policy and Laws Journal, 7(2), 289–308. Retrieved from



Original Article