Strengthening health information system on hypertension: 43 folders


  • Chanida Lertpitakpong Faculty of Public Health, Mahidol University


Health information system, Hypertension, Non-communicable disease


High blood pressure is considered a silent killer because there are no symptoms. It causes premature death and much disability for adjusted life years. Thailand’s health information system for hypertension which has been continuously developed and supported for changes, can be divided into two sources: population-based, such as National Health Examination Survey (NHES), and institution-based, such as 43 folder system supported by the Ministry of Public Health. The Ministry of Public Health has invested in a health information system structure on data management support, internet access, big data storage, both at provincial and national level, and data processing on Cloud system to assist in processing of key health indicators on health data bank’s website.  The 43 folders consist of 3 main folders, namely survey folder, health services folder, and the semi-survey service folder. These folders compiled and records information related to hypertension, including screening, diagnosis, treatment, and patients’ follow-up. However, there are several problems needed to be addressed, including different programs for keeping health record, lacking of skills for data recording officers, which have impacts on the quality of recorded information, under-staffing, and information covered for only hospital facilities under the Ministry of Public Health.  Therefore, administrators at all levels should be aware of, and giving priorities for information systems’ problem solving, in order to achieve a higher quality of recorded information, and should include other population’s databases outside of the Ministry of Public Health. 


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How to Cite

Lertpitakpong, C. (2021). Strengthening health information system on hypertension: 43 folders. Public Health Policy and Laws Journal, 7(3), 573–582. Retrieved from



Academic Article / Perspectives