The problem of migrant workers in Thailand border for the development of greater Mekong Subregion’s Economy


  • SU Yan -


The problem of migrant workers, Burmese workers, Thailand border


The purposes of this research were to analyze the problems of migrant workers in Thailand border and the present the guideline for solving the problems of migrant workers in Thailand border for the development of Greater Mekong Subregion’s economy. The research was qualitative method. The research revealed that; the problem for the economy of Burmese migrant workers in Chiangrai Province was found that sometimes their incomes were not sufficient for food, their children their relatives and healthcare. They were in debt because of vehicle installment and the loans from employers. They had a little saving because of low income liabilities and household spending. The problem for the society of Burmese migrant workers in Chiangrai Province was found that living in the worker camps, dwelling houses and rented room. The brawl was reduced because they were afraid of the arrest. Living adjustment and communication were rapid because of similar religion and culture. However there were the difference of mindset and different society and culture. The reading was the bid problem of Burmese workers so it could be effected for informational perception. They took could be effected for informational perception. They took care their health’s. Suitable environment management should be managed. The workers did not practice for vocational skill and learning. The workers did not understand and know the law and the benefits of labour protection.

               The guidelines for solving the problems of migrant workers in Thailand border for the development of Greater Mekong Subregien’s economy were as follows: 1) Increasing the wages and the employers paid according to the law. If the employers wanted to lay off, the employers would give advance notice. 2) Reducing workers’ spending for example providing free accommodation and lunch. 3) Taking care of safe environment in the workplaces. 4) Developing workers’ knowledge and skills. 5) Promoting workers’ language skill and laws, and 6) Setting data center for workers.


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How to Cite

SU Yan. (2022). The problem of migrant workers in Thailand border for the development of greater Mekong Subregion’s Economy. Public Health Policy and Laws Journal, 8(3), 389–402. Retrieved from



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