Preparing to emoving the mask in a New normal


  • Noppamas Krausuwan
  • Bhusita Intaraprasong


emoving the mask; a new normal; covid 19


 During the new normal after the coronavirus 2019 pandemic, global population lifestyle has been disrupted.  Working styles, either in educational institutions, or in general offices, have changed according to the new normal. The objective of this article was to explore the individual readiness for adjustment on wearing face masks as part of their normal lifestyle. People who have been able to adapt their lifestyles for New Normal society during the past three years of coronavirus 2019 pandemic. The Ministry of Public Health and the Center for Disease Control for the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) have agreed for voluntary masks wearing. However, the 608 risk-group is required to wear face-masks for protection. The changing of wearing face-masks to prevent covid 19 infection during New Normal lifestyle, to voluntary not wearing masks, is a change of routine behavior again.  As for now, wearing of face mask is a necessity to prevent spreading of COVID-19. Therefore, people need to carefully study information, regulations, and laws, as guidelines for a routine practice, in order to prepare for taking off face masks in the New Normal era for a good healthy lifestyle, during the coronavirus 2019 pandemic, before "Covid" becomes an endemic disease.


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How to Cite

Krausuwan , N. ., & Intaraprasong, B. . (2022). Preparing to emoving the mask in a New normal. Public Health Policy and Laws Journal, 8(3), 553–561. Retrieved from



Academic Article / Perspectives