Former Female Inmates as Elderly Caregiver: Perspective of Local Government Organizations and Elderly Households



elderly caregiver, nursing home, prisoner, former inmate


    This descriptive study aims to explore the perspective of local administrative organizations, and elderly households towards former female inmates with elderly caregiver occupation. Data were collected by interviewing executives of 27 local administrative organizations and representatives of 540 elderly households in 5 areas where the women correctional institutions were located, namely, Chiang Mai, Chon Buri, Nakhon Ratchasima, Songkhla, and Bangkok. Descriptive statistics and theme-based content analysis were applied for data analysis

         The findings indicated that 17 local administrative organizations and 74 percent of household subjects, were in support for former female inmates taking up a job as caregiver for the elderly. In addition, representatives of local administrative organizations specified that it is necessary to have a certificate of elderly caregiver training course, work experience, and history of imprisonment. Meanwhile, representatives of elderly households said that those who were jailed for serious crime, should not be permitted to work as elderly caregivers. This is an important and necessary consideration.

         Therefore, the One-Stop Service should be setup to coordinate between various divisions, involving in helping former female inmates to become elderly caregivers, such as screening qualifications of former female inmates, organizing the training course, gathering a list of those who passed the training course, organizing public relations, and coordinating with the agencies wishing to employ former female inmates


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How to Cite

Kittipichai, W., Aimyong, N., & Pansathin, A. (2022). Former Female Inmates as Elderly Caregiver: Perspective of Local Government Organizations and Elderly Households . Public Health Policy and Laws Journal, 8(3), 483–494. Retrieved from



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