Professional Nurses’ Perception of Head Nurses’ Leadership and Organizational Commitment among Professional Nurses of a University Hospital in Thailand


  • Kanicknan Hongthong -
  • Chardsumon Prutipinyo
  • Sukhontha Siri


Professional nurses, Head Nurses, Leadership; Organization Commitment


This research was a cross-sectional survey study aimed at studying perceptions of head nurses’ leadership and organizational commitment among professional nurses at a university hospital in Thailand. The sample consisted of professional nurses with at least 1 year working experience, selected through simple random sampling. A total of 296 complete questionnaire responses were collected (98.7%). Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, chi-square, and stepwise multiple regression analysis.

       The results showed that the professional nurses had a moderate level of overall organizational commitment. Affective and normative commitment were high, while continuance commitment was moderate. Head nurse leadership was rated as high overall and across all 11 dimensions. Marital status, salary and compensation, experience as a professional nurse and head nurse leadership were significantly related to organizational commitment at the level of p<0.05. Head nurse leadership, salary and compensation, and marital status were able to predict for 33.5% of the variance (R2 = 0.335) in nurses' organizational commitment.

        The findings suggest that nursing administrators should place importance and focusing on building concrete organizational commitment, supporting head nurse’s leadership development to create proactive strategies for motivating personnel, as well as fostering conducive environment to organizational development, and considering criteria for appropriate compensation according to workloads.


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How to Cite

Hongthong, K. ., Prutipinyo, C., & Siri, . S. . (2024). Professional Nurses’ Perception of Head Nurses’ Leadership and Organizational Commitment among Professional Nurses of a University Hospital in Thailand . Public Health Policy and Laws Journal, 10(2), 299–313. retrieved from



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