Personal Factors and Service Quality Affecting Household Customers’ Positive and Negative Perspectives of Hatyai Provincial Waterworks Authority, Songkhla Province

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Narueban Yamaqupta
Nuchsara Pringviriya
Chanatip Kanchit


The objective of this research article is to study the demographic factors and service quality as factors affecting customers’ positive and negative perspectives of Hatyai Provincial Waterworks Authority, Songkhla Province. A total of 400 responses from waterworks customers are research samples, and the data was collected by a questionnaire. The results from the logistic regression analyses demonstrated that the model fit with a forecasting power of 81.8%. Demographic factors (including age, marital status, occupation, salary, home area, and payment method) affected customers’ positive and negative perspectives. Moreover, reliability and responsiveness are both service quality factors that affected customers’ positive and negative perspectives of Hatyai Provincial Waterworks Authority. The customers aged 30 and above displayed more positive perspectives towards Hatyai Provincial Waterworks Authority than those aged under 30. Likewise, the customers with single status displayed more positive perspectives towards Hatyai Provincial Waterworks Authority than those with married or divorced status. In addition, the findings of the study indicated that the customers showed price sensitivity and negative perspectives of service fee. With regards to service quality, the study found that one-level higher of reliability resulted in five-time higher reliability. However, the customers’ responsiveness was in an inverse relationship, namely 1-lower value of responsiveness would be associated with 30% higher of negative perspectives that the customers would have towards Hatyai Provincial Waterworks Authority, Songkhla Province.

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How to Cite
Yamaqupta, N. ., Pringviriya, N. ., & Kanchit, C. . (2021). Personal Factors and Service Quality Affecting Household Customers’ Positive and Negative Perspectives of Hatyai Provincial Waterworks Authority, Songkhla Province. Parichart Journal, 34(1), 59–75. retrieved from
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