Resources Facilitating Information Sharing in Sweet Corn Supply Chain, Chiang Mai
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Due to the competition in the market, sweet corn supply chain members are more aware of supply chain management. Information sharing in the supply chain is an approach that scholars and practitioners accept in terms of improving supply chain management efficiency. However, participating in a supply chain that promotes information sharing is still a challenge. This paper aims to investigate the association between related resources and information sharing and to evaluate the possibility of information sharing in sweet corn supply chain. This paper used the resource-advantage theory as the theoretical foundation and modeling binary logistic regression analysis, consisting of human, relational, and physical resources. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews with growers, coordinators, integrators, and factory managers. The results revealed that human resources (e.g., education level, work experience), relational resources (e.g., membership, trading channel), and physical resources (e.g., sweet corn variety) have statistical significance with information sharing. This confirms the resource as a potential source of opportunities to share information. The study helps supply chain members select a supply chain with better information sharing and provides guidelines to improve the efficiency of information sharing.
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