Synthesis of Researches on Building Business Cognitive Ability of New Generation Entrepreneurs for the Success of Business Performance in Thailand 4.0 Context

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Wilai Phungphola
Viroj Jadesadalugb


Synthesis of Researches on Building Business Cognitive Ability of New Generation Entrepreneurs for the Success of Business Performance in Thailand 4.0 Context. This research aims at development of the dimension of business cognitive ability of new entrepreneurs that affects the successful business performance as expected by entrepreneurs based on 4 key theories: (1) Argyris’s action theory, (2) Kolb learning model theory, (3) McClelland performance development theory and (4) Situational Management theory of Fielder.

This paper presents a synthesis of research frameworks that integrate as independent variables in building business cognitive ability of new entrepreneurs. There is a process of cognitive ability arising from the development of two dimensions: the emotional dimensions and the cognitive dimensions. Finally, this article also proposes the theoretical benefits and management policy including various limitations to further the empirical research and be beneficial to the academic community in the future.

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How to Cite
Phungphola, W., & Jadesadalugb, V. (2020). Synthesis of Researches on Building Business Cognitive Ability of New Generation Entrepreneurs for the Success of Business Performance in Thailand 4.0 Context. Ph.D. In Social Sciences Journal, 10(1), 1–14. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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