The Effect of Digital Marketing on Customer Engagement and the Response of Organic Cosmetic Customers
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The research article aims to study (1) the mediating role model of customer engagement between digital marketing and the consequent contribution of customer engagement with consumers of organic cosmetic products on the Facebook platform and investigate; (2) the goodness of fit measure of the mediating role model in context with consumers of organic cosmetic products on the Facebook platform. Collect information from consumers of organic cosmetic products on the Facebook platform 15 years old of 603 people were the sample group use inferential statistics to test hypotheses to find relationships among external latent variables and internal latent variables. The level of influence on variables using structural equation analysis techniques using the SMART PLS 4.0 program.
Findings are as follows: The research method design customer engagement mediation role model organic cosmetic products on Facebook platform influences customer engagement and the results of the analysis can lead to the degree of influence arising from digital media marketing variables. The overall indirect effect of the structural model resulted in a significant positive relationship between digital media marketing variables. Influencing variables purchase intent with the highest positive total indirect route influence and content quality variables influenced purchase intent variables with positive total indirect route influence, followed by significant positive total indirect route influence.
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