Guidelines for the use of Information Technology Implementation in Teaching and Learning Management within Islamic Private Schools in 3 Southern Border Provinces

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Ekkapak Meechai
Wae-rosnee Samoh
Sudarat Thongkhum
Abida Boripant


The research of the study on the guidelines for the use of information technology implementation in teaching and learning management within Islamic private schools in 3 southern border provinces which is believed to be an alternatives development for Islamic Private Schools in the Southernmost Provinces in the future. The purpose of this research is the information and communication technology implementation in teaching and learning management within Islamic Private Schools with the guidelines for development in the information and communication technology of implementation in teaching and learning management. The total sampling of 38 persons for the questionnaire and 6 persons for in-depth interview were selected. The research findings showed that all of respondents were male (73.70%), the age between 25-30 years (68.40%), the level of undergraduates (100%), the graduated business computer field (34.2%), the mostly is under the large school (78.90%), in the position to teacher employees (76.30%), and teaching experience is less than 5 years (81.60%), They managed the information technology for teaching and learning (97.40%). by teaching via the Internet (71.10%) and using ICT in developing teaching materials at (94.70%). The issues for the development of the information and communication technology in teaching and learning are in average. Sorted by the following, the first is personnel, the second is material equipment, the third is laboratory and the fourth is the budget. In addition, the recommendations of the study should be studied and compared with other provinces, which are similar and small schools. The guidelines for the development have been requested to support the use of information in technology for the communication in teaching and learning as much as possible. The teachers also need to be trained in the information technology such as the network installation and maintenance, the development of teaching materials, and the application of software. Also, they suggested that teachers should be trained at least once per semester. The further study of this research should be studied and compared with other provinces. Finally, there should be other factors included in the study such as the student’s achievements.

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How to Cite
Meechai, E., Samoh, W.- rosnee, Thongkhum, S., & Boripant, A. (2022). Guidelines for the use of Information Technology Implementation in Teaching and Learning Management within Islamic Private Schools in 3 Southern Border Provinces . Princess of Naradhiwas University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 8(2). Retrieved from
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