The Development of a Situation Test to Measure Psychological Well-Being of the Thai Elderly

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Teerapatra Ekphachaisawat
Thidarak Luecha
Nonglak Arnee
Jitranan Sricharoen



      The objectives of this research were 1) to develop a situational measurement approach to assess the mental well-being of Thai elderly people with accurate and reliable quality, 2) to examine the structural accuracy of situational measurements to measure the mental well-being of Thai elderly people. The population used in this research includes Thai male and female aged between 60-85 years. The research utilized a multi-stage sampling method and obtained a sample size of 1,000 elderly people. The research instrument was a situational test to measure psychological well-being of Thai elderly people. The instrument quality was assessed through item-total correlation and Cronbach's alpha coefficient analysis. Data analysis was conducted using Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) with the statistical software Mplus.
The results showed that 1) The development of a situational measurement test to measure mental well-being of the Thai elderly based on the factor analysis, consists of 4 factors: positive relationships, positive emotions, psychological resilience and self-esteem. Each factors has the Eigen Value over 1.00 and can explain the mental health assessment of the Thai elderly at 50.971 %. 2) The confirmatory factor analysis showed that measurement models align with empirical data. The model coherence index is as follows: χ2= 69.695 df = 59 χ2 / df = 1.18 p-value = 0.1608 CFI = 0.972 TLI = 0.956 RMSEA = 0.019 and SRMR = 0.034

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How to Cite
Ekphachaisawat, T. ., Luecha, T. ., Arnee, N. ., & Sricharoen, J. . (2023). The Development of a Situation Test to Measure Psychological Well-Being of the Thai Elderly . Princess of Naradhiwas University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 10(2), 281–300. Retrieved from
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