Safaree Jehreh The Impact of Motivational Factors on The Working Efficiency of Construction Material Store Employees in Chana District, Songkhla Province

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Safaree Jehreh
Pichet Prommai


DOI: 10.14456/pnuhuso.2024.3

       This study, titled ‘The Impact of Motivational Factors on the Working Efficiency of Construction Material Store Employees in Chana District, Songkhla Province’, aims to 1) examine the working efficiency of construction material store employees in Chana District, Songkhla Province, 2) analyze variations based on demographic factors, and 3) explore the influence of motivation on their work efficiency. The sample consisted of 44 employees from construction material stores, who provided data through questionnaires employed as research instruments. The data analysis encompassed various statistical techniques frequency and percentage calculations, mean and standard deviation calculations, t-test, one - way ANOVA (F-test), and multiple regression analysis.

       The results indicated that a majority of the respondents were male aged between 31 and 40 years old, held diploma, worked as drivers or in delivery roles, had work experience ranging from 4 to 5 years, and earned an average monthly income within the range of 10,001 to 15,000 baht. The employees of construction materials stores held generally positive opinions regarding work efficiency. However, varying opinions were observed among employees based on personal factors such as gender and job position, indicating differences in overall work efficiency perceptions. Furthermore, the research demonstrated that work motivation, influenced by organizational management policies and job satisfaction, significantly impacts the work efficiency of employees in construction material stores at a statistically significant level of 0.05

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How to Cite
Jehreh, S., & Prommai, P. . (2024). Safaree Jehreh: The Impact of Motivational Factors on The Working Efficiency of Construction Material Store Employees in Chana District, Songkhla Province. Princess of Naradhiwas University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 11(1), 41–57. Retrieved from
Research Article


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