Sahidin Nitiphak Enhancing Malay Language Skills Among Entrepreneurs To Create Value For International Tourism At Phukautong, Sukirin, Narathiwat
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DOI : 10.14456/pnuhuso.2024.4
The objective of this research were 1) to enhance Malay language skills for the improvement of tourism in the Phu Khaotong sub-district, Sukhirin District, Narathiwat Province, and 2) to synthesize guidelines for the development of Malay language communication skills in promoting tourism in the Phu Khaotong sub-district, Sukhirin District, Narathiwat Province. The sample group consisted of 20 local entrepreneurs in the Phu Khaotong sub-district, Sukhirin District, Narathiwat Province. The research tools consisted were 1) a questionnaire to assess the need for improving Malay language skills, 2) tests and evaluations to measure satisfaction with language training in Malay, and 3) content synthesis based on the findings for activity planning. Statistical analysis of the data included measures such as mean and standard deviation, as well as content analysis to present a narrative summary of the research findings. The research revealed the following: 1) Language skills enhancement in Malay for tourism and service required the presentation of relevant sentences and vocabulary in each lesson, as well as simulated practice in various activities incorporating commonly used Malay language expressions for service provision to Malaysian tourists. 2) Overall satisfaction with the enhancement of Malay language skills for tourism and service was significantly high. 3) Development of Malay language communication skills should be incorporated into the core curriculum structure, encompassing all aspects of service provision. The content should align with the service users' needs and effectively convey a public image for service provision, benefiting the stakeholders in practice.
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