Patsavut Sakarin Effects of Trust and Sales Promotion on Online Shopping Intentions among Elderly Consumers in Songkhla Province

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patsavut sakarin
Pichate Prommai
Weerawan Marangkun


DOI : 10.14456/pnuhuso.2024.8      

         This study aimed to 1) compare variations in online purchasing demand among elderly individuals in Songkhla province based on personal factors, and 2) examine the impact of trust and promotional activities on the online purchasing behavior of the elderly in the province. The study population comprised 400 elderly individuals in Songkhla who engaged in online shopping. Data were collected through a questionnaire and the analysis utilized statistical methods including frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, F-test with One-way ANOVA, and multiple linear regression. The results indicated significant differences in online purchasing demand among the samples with distinct educational backgrounds, careers, monthly incomes, and hobbies at a statistical significance level of .01. Furthermore, trust factors and promotional activities collectively accounted for 39.3% of the variance in online purchasing demand among the elderly in Songkhla province. Notably, the trust factor (b = .580) exhibited a more substantial influence compared to the promotional factor (b = .202).

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How to Cite
sakarin, patsavut, Prommai, P. ., & Marangkun, W. . (2024). Patsavut Sakarin: Effects of Trust and Sales Promotion on Online Shopping Intentions among Elderly Consumers in Songkhla Province . Princess of Naradhiwas University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 11(1), 120–140. Retrieved from
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