Sopispilai Thongsai A Comparative Study of Costs and Returns in Raising Native Chickens versus Crossbred Native Chickens to Strengthen Production and Develop the Local Economy for Stability and Sustainability

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Sopispilai Thongsai
Phatcharee Prasong
Arunya Jinachan
Kiatkajon Chairat


DOI: 10.14456/pnuhuso.2024.9       

         The purposes of this research were as follows: 1) to investigate the production and management practices of farmers in raising both native chickens and crossbred native chickens, 2) to examine the costs and returns associated with raising native chickens and crossbred native chickens, and 3) to compare the costs and returns between the two types of chicken farming. The target group comprised 80 local chicken farmers from Nakhon Si Thammarat, Surat Thani, Trang, and Phatthalung Provinces. Data were collected from 20  volunteers per province, and an additional 2 crossbred native chicken farmers were included for the case study. The collected data were analyzed for cost, return, and financial performance three methods: gross profit margin, net profit margin, and break-even point analysis.

          The research results showed that: 1) Most farmers raise fewer than 100 native chickens, with less than 5 years of experience in raising them. The average raising time per cohort was less than 5 months, utilizing water supplies, personal labor, or family members. 2) The investment cost for a native chicken farm was 39.83 baht per kilogram, generating an annual revenue of 1,137,318.00 baht. In the case of raising crossbred native chickens, the investment cost was 102.17 baht per kilogram, with an annual revenue of 2,880.00 baht. 3) For native chicken famers, the gross profit margin was 53.04%, the net profit margin was 48.80%, the break-even point (unit) of 803 chickens, and the break-even point (sale) was 115,632.00 baht. In the case of crossbred native chickens, famers had a gross profit margin of 109.62%, a net profit margin of 114.13%, a break-even point (unit) of 24 chickens, and a break-even point (sale) of 3,456.00 baht. The project assessment results suggest that farmers should opt for raising native chickens due to a higher gross profit margin and net profit margin compared to raising crossbred native chickens. This serves as a guideline for farmers and interested individuals, providing information for planning to reduce production costs and increase income to strengthen production and develop the local economy towards stability and sustainability. Additionally, it offers insights for making investment decisions in the poultry farming sector.

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How to Cite
Thongsai, S., Prasong, P. ., Jinachan, A. ., & Chairat, K. . (2024). Sopispilai Thongsai: A Comparative Study of Costs and Returns in Raising Native Chickens versus Crossbred Native Chickens to Strengthen Production and Develop the Local Economy for Stability and Sustainability. Princess of Naradhiwas University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 11(1), 141–159. Retrieved from
Research Article


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