Empowerment Dynamics in Educational Organization Networks

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Suwattanapong Romsri
Sathaka Tanchai
Sanya Kenaphoom


        Empowerment within educational organization networks is a multifaceted concept that encompasses various dimensions of agency, participation, and capacity building. This includes cooperation between schools, universities, and educational NGOs, which plays a crucial role in promoting empowerment at the individual, organizational, and community levels. The purpose of this article is to synthesize issues regarding empowerment dynamics in educational organization networks. This study focuses on the scholarly literature on empowerment within these networks, utilizing content analysis tools to conduct the analysis. The study identified several mechanisms for empowerment in educational organization networks: (1) collaboration and partnership building, (2) knowledge sharing and capacity building, (3) advocacy and collective action, and (4) leadership and governance structures. Additionally, it highlighted challenges and tensions in network empowerment, such as (1) power dynamics and inequalities, (2) resource allocation and sustainability, and (3) accountability and governance issues. In conclusion, the study underscores the importance of collaboration, advocacy, knowledge sharing, and leadership structures in fostering empowerment within educational organization networks, while also recognizing significant challenges like power dynamics, resource distribution, and accountability.

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How to Cite
Romsri, S. ., Tanchai , S. ., & Kenaphoom, S. (2024). Empowerment Dynamics in Educational Organization Networks. Princess of Naradhiwas University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 11(2), 128–152. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/pnuhuso/article/view/270980
Research Article


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