<b>ญาณวิทยาและการอธิบายปรากฏการณ์แบบสัจนิยมเชิงวิพากษ์ของทฤษฎีเครือข่ายนโยบาย </b><br>Critical Realism’s Epistemology and Explanation in Policy Network Theory
Public Policy, Policy Network, StructureAgencyAbstract
This article aims to explicate Policy Network
Theory through Philosophy of Social Science
consideration. The study found that Policy Network
Theory is epistemologically and methodologically in
accord with Critical Realism perspective. In this
respect, the main function of the theory establishes an
explanation of analysing types of policy networks as
a mechanism or structure that represent as an
independent variable in the policy process. Moreover,
in terms of methodology, the theory employs
retroductive explanation in which proposes a
theoretical framework or model to demonstrate a
causal relationship of the process. Thenceforth, to
verify a mechanism existence, the theory also adopts
data collecting methods that are accorded with Critical
Realism methodology.