
  • ํYaowaluk Promsri -


Learning Activities , Learning Systems and Mechanisms , Skills of The Future in the 21st Century.


The purpose of this research was to study predictive factors, Systems and Learning Mechanisms in Computational Science with CODING Model by Connectivism Concept to Enhance the Skills of the New Generation of students in the 21st century, using the research and development process. The study population in included teachers and educational personnel. A total of 80 students in Mathayomsuksa 1-3 students were asked to use the mathematical science learning questionnaire, CODING Model, a 5-level estimation scale, 46 items, with content accuracy of .97 and confidence of .99. The data was collected and analyzed with a statistical package. To find the mean standard deviation correlation coefficient and incremental multiple regression analysis or reduce the variable in steps.

The results showed that Learning activities based on the concept of Connectivism in Computational Science. And learning systems and mechanisms for computational science subjects had a statistically significant effect on students' future skills in the 21st century at the .01 by learning activities, learning activities based on the concept of Connectivism, computational science and systems and learning mechanisms for the course of computational science can predict 52.20% together with the forecast equation in raw score form Y=.29+1.64 (learning activities based on the concept of Connectivism in Computational Science) +.70


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How to Cite

Promsri ํ. (2023). “CODING” MODEL: DEVELOPMENT OF SYSTEMS AND LEARNING MECHANISMS BY USING CONNECTIVISM CONCEPT TO ENHANCE THE SKILLS OF THE NEW GENERATION OF STUDENTS IN THE 21ST CENTURY . Pathumthani University Academic Journal, 15(1), 8–22. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ptujournal/article/view/261520