Corporate image effects on customer perceptions of service quality of Krung Thai Bank in Sam Chuk branch, Suphanburi province

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ลัดดาวัลย์ สำราญ
โสรยา สุภาผล
ฉัตรจักร ฉิมชูใจ


          The purpose of this paper was to study the corporate image effects on customer perceptions of service quality of Krung Thai bank in Sam Chuk branch, Suphanburi province.  Data were collected from 400 questionnaires and analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The hypothesis was test using multiple regression analysis.  It was found from the survey  that most respondents had a bachelor's degree. Their career was civil servant/state enterprise employee and their monthly salary was less than 10,000 baht per month. The opinions on the corporate image factor and the service quality perception factor were at the highest level. The results of the hypothesis testing showed that the corporate image in five aspects: relation driven, social driven, recommendation, customer contacts, and position in the market affected to customer perceptions of service quality of KrungThai bank in Sam Chuk branch, Suphanburi province. The results also predicted that the perception factor of service quality was 63.30 percent.

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How to Cite
สำราญ ล., สุภาผล โ., & ฉิมชูใจ ฉ. (2018). Corporate image effects on customer perceptions of service quality of Krung Thai Bank in Sam Chuk branch, Suphanburi province. RMUTSB ACADEMIC JOURNAL (HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES), 3(2), 164–176. Retrieved from
Research article


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