Appropriate model development for physical exercise geared towards healthy lifestyle for senior citizens in Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya province

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ประวิทย์ ประมาน
วัชรินทร์ เสมามอญ
เสาวลักษณ์ ประมาน


          The purpose of this research article was to study healthy lifestyle and the needs for exercise and to develop appropriate models and results of physical exercise geared towards healthy lifestyle for senior citizens in Phra NaKhon Si Ayutthaya province. This research was an applied research. Samples of this study were from 448 senior citizens. Materials used in this research were exercise survey in-depth interview forms, quality evaluation forms, and quality evaluation forms. The research collections were quantitative and qualitative research. The data were analyzed using standard statistics, MANOVA with Repeated measure, factor analysis for interpretation and summarizing. The results of phase 1, healthy lifestyle and the needs for exercise of senior citizens in Phra NaKhon Si Ayutthaya province were as follows. Most of senior citizens did not attend senior clubs (69.85%), they did not exercise (51.76%), they liked walk/run activity (18.09%), and physical activity was cooking (41.46%). There were 3 ways of senior exercising. First way was good social standard, second way was healthy behavior planning and third way was intention by themselves and their family, and also social supporting for healthy lifestyle by themselves and activities by community. The results of phase 2, develop appropriate model and physical exercise geared towards healthy lifestyle for senior citizens in Phra NaKhon Si Ayutthaya province, were exercising and physical activities, which composed of 4 types, (1) principle, concept, and theory type (2) purpose type (3) procedure type and (4) monitoring and evaluation type (fitness value of 4.41 and possibility value of 4.63). The results of phase 3, experimental of physical exercise geared towards healthy lifestyle for senior citizens in Phra NaKhon Si Ayutthaya province, were as follows: (1) physical fitness of experimental group and control group after 4 weeks and 8 weeks training was the duration of the different efficiency differ statistically significant at the 0.05 level, (2) physical fitness of experimental group and control group after 4 weeks and 8 weeks training was the duration of the different efficiency differed statistically significant at the 0.05 level. In conclusion, appropriate model and physical exercise geared towards healthy lifestyle for senior citizens in Phra NaKhon Si Ayutthaya province can support physical fitness and can apply in daily life.

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How to Cite
ประมาน ป., เสมามอญ ว., & ประมาน เ. (2018). Appropriate model development for physical exercise geared towards healthy lifestyle for senior citizens in Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya province. RMUTSB ACADEMIC JOURNAL (HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES), 3(2), 191–203. Retrieved from
Research article


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