Development of attitude scales on behavioral according to code of ethics of teaching profession for student teachers

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ชญารัตน์ บุญพุฒิกร


          The purposes of this research were to develop attitude scales on behaviors according to the code of ethics of teaching profession for student teachers, and to present the construction results of scores interpretation on developed scales. The research methodology was divided into 2 stages. At stage 1, the scales were developed by investigating the construct validity according to the code of ethics of teaching profession for student teachers. The scale validity was evaluated. The item quality of the items according to the test response was analyzed. At stage 2, the criteria of attitude scale interpretation on behaviors according to the code of ethics of teaching profession for student teachers was constructed. The sample 537 was fourth year undergraduate students in the Faculty of Education, 2017 Academic Year, in 7 public education institutes, the sample was selected by using the multi-stage random sampling. The research results revealed as follows:

          1. There were 34 items of attitude scale on behaviors according to the code of ethics of teaching profession for student teachers was developed. Each item passed the criteria of content validity (I-CVI ≥ 0.80). The overall reliability was 0.92. Each item quality according to the item response theory (IRT) by item-total correlations was equally to 0.56-0.77 and statistic value of the OUTFIT MNSQ was between 0.63-1.37 and the INFIT MNSQ was between 0.67 and 1.38.

          2. The interpretation criteria of the developed scale consisted of raw scores, percentile rank, Z-score,
T-score, and stanine by the teacher's attitude, is divided into 5 levels (very high, high, moderate, low and very low).

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บุญพุฒิกร ช. (2018). Development of attitude scales on behavioral according to code of ethics of teaching profession for student teachers. RMUTSB ACADEMIC JOURNAL (HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES), 3(2), 177–190. retrieved from
Research article


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