Factors affecting the consumption behavior of local breakfasts inherited from Peranakan culture of tourists in Trang province

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ธนินทร์ สังขดวง
จิระนาถ รุ่งช่วง


        The objectives of this research were to study attitude factor, perception of marketing mix factor, and perception of service quality factor that affect tourists’ consumption behavior on choosing Dim Sum as breakfast in Trang province. The instrument used was questionnaire. Content validity and reliability of the questionnaire was examined and the resulted reliability was 0.89.  Ten Dim Sum restaurants were purposively selected tourists in Trang province, selected by convenience sampling technique, were used as samples in the study. The statistics used in data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and multiple regression analysis. The results indicated that the majority of samples were Thai tourists who spent 1-2 days for a trip. Some of them had no knowledge about the cost of breakfast since was already included in the tour package. Additionally, the average score of the attitude towards the consumption behavior on choosing Dim Sum as breakfast was 2.97. The average score of the perception of marketing mix influencing the consumption behavior on choosing Dim Sum as breakfast was 3.15, with the product showing the highest mean score and the physical evidence indicating the lowest mean score. The average score of the perception of service quality influencing the consumption behavior on choosing Dim Sum as breakfast was 3.14, with the responsiveness revealing the highest mean score and the tangibility showing the lowest mean score. The attitude, the perception of marketing mix factor, and the perception of service quality factor affected tourists’ consumption behavior on choosing Dim Sum as breakfast at the significant level of 0.01 and the adjusted R square was 0.71. Besides, the consumption behavior was most affected by the attitude factor, the perception of marketing mix factor, and the perception of service quality factor, respectively.

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How to Cite
สังขดวง ธ., & รุ่งช่วง จ. (2019). Factors affecting the consumption behavior of local breakfasts inherited from Peranakan culture of tourists in Trang province. RMUTSB ACADEMIC JOURNAL (HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES), 4(1), 81–92. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rmutsb-hs/article/view/146855
Research article


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