The development of training curriculum to enhance ability in creative industrial engineering curriculum development

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จันทิมา หิรัญอ่อน


         The objectives of this research were to develop the training curriculum to enhance ability in creative industrial engineering curriculum development and to evaluate the effectiveness of the training curriculum. The research was divided into two phases. Phase 1 was to develop the training curriculum, and phase 2 was to improve the training curriculum. The samples of the study were 13 third year students in second semester of the academic year 2017. Evaluation of training curriculum by five experts revealed that the training curriculum was highly suitable and effective. It contained 7 key elements, which consisted of 1) rationale principles, 2) curriculum objectives, 3) curriculum structures, 4) content structures, 5) training process, 6) duration of the training, and 7) training measurement and evaluation. The effectiveness evaluation of the training curriculum showed that 1) the post test mean score of knowledge in creative industrial engineering curriculum development of the trainees was significantly higher than the pretest at 0.05 level, 2) ability to develop creative industrial engineering curriculum was at very good level, and 3) the satisfaction of students toward training curriculum was at the highest level.

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หิรัญอ่อน จ. (2019). The development of training curriculum to enhance ability in creative industrial engineering curriculum development. RMUTSB ACADEMIC JOURNAL (HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES), 4(1), 105–114. Retrieved from
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