Synthesis of factors correlating with burnout of teachers

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Narisara Siripantasak
Nanthaka Pahonlayud


          The purpose of the research was to synthesize factors correlating with burnout of teachers. The samples of the research were fourteen quantitative researches, selected with purposive criterion regarding to factors correlating with burnout of teachers, published between 2009-2019. The instruments used were research quality evaluation forms and research records with an index of item-objective congruence score of 0.67-1.00. The statistics used were mean, standard deviation, and correlation coefficient. The results of the research found that the factors correlating with burnout of teachers were as follows: administer factors (r=-0.58) and positive psychological factors (r=-0.45), which were negatively correlated with burnout at a moderate level, social factors (r=-0.32), which were negatively correlated with burnout at a low level, work factors, which were negatively correlated with burnout a very low level (r=-0.15), and negative psychological factors (r=0.53) which were negatively correlated with burnout at a moderate level. The prime factors with the highest correlation coefficient in each variable were leadership behavior (r=-0.77) and work engagement (r=-0.65), which were negatively correlated with burnout at a high level. Three more factors were, supervisors’ support (r=-0.53), which was negatively correlated with burnout at a moderate level, work experience (r=-0.18), which was negatively correlated with burnout at a very low level, and role ambiguity (r=0.83), which was negatively correlated with burnout at a very high level.

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How to Cite
Siripantasak, N., & Pahonlayud, N. (2021). Synthesis of factors correlating with burnout of teachers. RMUTSB ACADEMIC JOURNAL (HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES), 6(2), 307–318. retrieved from
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