Quality of work life during COVID-19 pandemic: Case study personnel of Chiangmai Rajabhat University
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This integrated research aimed to study the quality of work life during the COVID-19 outbreak, to predict factors influencing the quality of work life, and to synthesis guidelines for enhancing the quality of working life during the epidemic of COVID-19. The key informants were 250 personnel working at Chiang Mai Rajabhat University and 7 other stakeholders. The data were collected through questionnaires, informal interviews, and focus group discussions. Descriptive statistics, multiple linear regression, and content analysis were used to interpret the results
The results indicated that the quality of working life during the COVID-19 pandemic among personnel working at Chiang Mai Rajabhat University overall is low (mean=2.35±0.65). Two variables could explain variations in the quality of working life, which are satisfaction with measures and University operation guideline on COVID-19 prevention (Beta=-0.22, p=0.00) and participation in a group outdoor activity with friends negatively affecting the quality of working life (Beta=-0.03, p=0.02). Together, they predict the quality of working life at 24.80% with statistical significance (p=0.05). In this regard, the stakeholders have suggested policies on improving the quality of work-life with guidelines for enhancing the quality of work-life in the time of the COVID-19 epidemic through online public relations, supporting personal protective equipment, and developing a work-from-home support system
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