Marketing mix in consumer's perspective affecting Sushi Hana's brand equity

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Chirawan Kitivanarat
Patra Sukasukont


The objectives of this research were to 1) study the importance level of the marketing mix from the consumer's perspective of "Sushi Hana", 2) study Sushi Hana’s brand equity from the consumer's perspective, and 3) study the marketing mix in the consumer's perspective that affected Sushi Hana's brand equity. The sample group used in this study, obtained through systematic random sampling technique, included 400 consumers who had used Sushi Hana's services. Data was collected through a questionnaire as a research instrument. The reliability of marketing mix from the consumer's perspective was 0.956 and Sushi Hana’s brand equity was 0.936. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency, mean, percentage, and standard deviation, as well as multiple regression analysis using the stepwise method.

The research findings showed that 1) the marketing mix from the consumer's perspective of "Sushi Hana" had an overall significance at a high level, 2) the Sushi Hana’s brand equity from the consumer's perspective had an overall significance at a high level, and 3) marketing mix in consumer's perspective from 7 aspects found that only 5 aspects had a statistically significant positive effect on the "Sushi Hana" brand equity at 0.01 level. The most effective aspect was completion cost to the customer, communication, customer value, and comfort, respectively. The marketing mix in these 5 aspects could explain the variation in the value of the “Sushi Hana” brand equity at 67.80%. Therefore, if entrepreneurs paid attention to these 5 marketing mixes, the brand equity of the “Sushi Hana” could be enhanced significantly.

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How to Cite
Kitivanarat, C., & Sukasukont, P. (2024). Marketing mix in consumer’s perspective affecting Sushi Hana’s brand equity. RMUTSB ACADEMIC JOURNAL (HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES), 9(1), 1–14. retrieved from
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