A competency-based curriculum for learning movement activities of elementary school students
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The purpose of this academic article was to study the competency-based curriculum for movement activity learning of elementary school students by encouraging elementary school children to have appropriate and adequate physical movements in line with their physical, mental, and social developments which is necessary for the development of children to have complete growth in all aspects. The Basic Education Core Curriculum 2008 established a learning management for the health and physical education subjects, which stated that health education and physical education were education that aimed to maintain health, health promotion and sustainable development of the quality of life of individuals, families, and communities. The curriculum focuses on students using movement activities, exercise, games, and sports, which are mediums to develop skills in various fields that are used in everyday life. Teachers must have a learning management design, and develop body structure to grow properly by adjusting the activity format to align with the competency-based curriculum that emphasizes on enhancing the competency of learners in applying a variety of knowledge in real situations. The competency-based curriculum has been set as a policy for educational institutions to use as a guideline for learning management that will help solve problems for teachers and students as well, to the flexibility of the courses. Proactive competency-based learning management will encourage students to develop competencies necessary for life, working, learning, and problem-solving, enabling teachers to develop children with varying degrees of development. Moreover, proactive competency-based learning management will help develop learners in accordance with the National Education Development Plan to meet the learning outcomes according to the competency-based curriculum mentioned above. The curriculum will also help children or students to adapt to the changes that occur and help to develop the learning of elementary school children in the 21st century where the main goal is to develop people to be perfect human beings both physically and mentally, with intelligence, knowledge, morality, and with ethical and cultural way of living in balance. The curriculum will promote the necessary skills to live happily with others and will lead to continuous self-learning
throughout life.
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