Learning Outcomes of the Fourth-Year Pre-Service Teachers through Project-based Learning on Special Problems in Science

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Numphon Koocharoenpisal


The purposes of this study were to study the learning outcomes of the fourth-year pre-service science teachers in subject of special problems in science through project-based learning and to study students’ opinion toward the learning. The sample group was one classroom of the fourth-year undergraduate students (30 students), Faculty of science, Srinakharinwirot University by using purposive sampling. The research tools consisted of 1) the lesson plans, 2) the student’s opinion questionnaire, and 3) the assessment forms of students’ learning outcomes. This study is classroom action research and a quasi-experimental research, which has one experimental group and used a classroom action research. Using formative assessments and authentic assessments to collect the data. The statistics used to analyze the quantitative data were mean, standard deviation, and percentage. The qualitative data was analyzed by the content analysis. The result indicated that the students’ learning outcomes, who studying the subject of special problems in science through project-based learning have the mean score at 89.76 % and their opinions toward project-based learning were at very good level ( = 4.37, S.D. = 0.39). The students have positive opinions toward the learning and they think that project-based learning help them develop knowledge and various learning skills.

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