The Influence of System Quality on System Usage, User Satisfaction and Net Benefits for Users of the Navis System of Laem Chabang Deep Water Seaport

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Ratchadaporn Sutapod
Arunee Narintarakul Na Ayuthaya
Ampon Shoosnuk
Somchai Numprasertchai


In this research, the researchers examine (1) the influence of the factors of system quality, convenience of access, ease of use, reliability, response time, and security on the use of the Navis system. The researchers also study (2) the influence of factors on user satisfaction, system quality, and the use of the Navis system. Finally, furthermore, the researchers investigate (3) the influence of factors on user net benefits, use, and user satisfaction with the Navis system. The researchers utilized a quantitative research method. The research instrument was a questionnaire used to collect data from selected users at Laem Chabang Deep Water Seaport in respect to the Navis system. The research population was comprised of 260 subjects, while the sample population was comprised of 136 subjects. Using techniques of descriptive statistics, the researchers analyzed the data collected in terms of frequency distribution, percentage, mean and standard deviation. Path analysis was also employed by the researchers. Findings are as follows: 1. System quality in the dimensions of convenience of access; ease of use; response time; and security positively influenced the use of the Navis system by users. 2. System quality in the dimensions of response time; security; and use of the Navis system positively influenced the Navis system user satisfaction. 3. The use of the Navis system and user satisfaction positively influenced user net benefits for users of the Navis system. The researchers would like to offer the following recommendations: Laem Chabang Deep Water Seaport should encourage system quality in the dimensions of convenience of access, ease of use, response time, and security. Enhancing the quality of these dimensions would increasingly foster use, user satisfaction and user net benefits for users of the Navis system.

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Research Article


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