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จิรวรรณ ดีประเสริฐ
ณภัทร หงษาวงศ์


This research had objectives as follows: (1) to study the awareness level of good governance of flight attendants of Thai Airways International (Public) Co., Ltd., Asia Aviation (Public) Co., Ltd. and Bangkok Airways (Public) Co., Ltd.; (2) to study the awareness level of the working efficiency of flight attendants of the three companies; (3) to compare the awareness levels of good governance of flight attendants of the three companies; and (4) to study the relationship between the awareness level of good governance and the working efficiency of flight attendants of the three companies. This research used the quantitative method. The instrument was a questionnaire. The samples were 316 flight attendants that were obtained by means of quota and accidental sampling methods. The researchers collected data between August and September, 2016. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics of frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation, and inferential statistics of one-way ANOVA and Pearson product-moment correlation.

The research findings showed that (1) the highest mean of the flight attendants’ awareness level of good governance in three companies are that of integrity (x ̅= 3.89, S.D.= 0.68), followed by that of the rule of law (x ̅= 3.58, S.D.= 0.66), and that of responsibility (x ̅= 3.32, S.D.= 0.73), respectively; (2) the highest mean of the awareness level of flight attendants’ working efficiency in three companies are that of passenger service (x ̅= 4.22, S.D.= 0.52), followed by that of the awareness of corporate benefits (x ̅= 4.14, S.D.= 0.81),and that of working knowledge and capacities (x ̅=3.62, S.D.= 0.67), respectively; (3) the flight attendants from different airlines were aware of good governance differently at statistically significant level of 0.1; results of subsequent comparison in pair by Scheffe Method showed that flight attendants of Bangkok Aviation (Public) Co., Ltd. were aware of good governance at the higher level than that of flight attendants of Thai Airways International (Public) Co., Ltd. at statistically significant level of .01; moreover, flight attendants of Asia Aviation (Public) Co., Ltd. were aware of good governance at the higher level than that of flight attendants of Thai Airways International (Public) Co., Ltd. at statistically significant level of .01; apart from this was no significant difference; and (4) the awareness of good governance had significant relationship with the awareness of flight attendants’ working efficiency of the three companies at statistically significant level of .01 (r = 0 .57).

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How to Cite
ดีประเสริฐ จ., & หงษาวงศ์ ณ. (2018). AWARENESS OF GOOD GOVERNANCE AND FLIGHT ATTENDANTS’ WORKING EFFICIENCY OF LISTED COMPANY IN THE STOCK MARKET OF THAILAND. Sripatum Review of Humanities and Social Sciences, 17(2), 7–17. retrieved from
Author Biography

จิรวรรณ ดีประเสริฐ, วิทยาลัยการบินนานาชาติ มหาวิทยาลัยนครพนม

อาจารย์ประจำสำนักวิชาบริหารการบิน วิทยาลัยการบินนานาชาติ มหาวิทยาลัยนครพนม


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