Study Behavior and Online Teaching Efficiency in the Era of New Normal

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Yuwanuch Gulatee
Jim Yernnan
Naruedom Phimsri
Yuwadee Yoosabai


The objectives of this research were (1) to study behavior and classroom communication during online education in the New Normal era of students and (2) to study teaching effectiveness of teachers in the New Normal era. The sample size consisted of 1144 students in Nakhon Phanom University by using the alpha coefficient (∝-Coefficient) according to the method of (Cronbach). The statistics used in the data analysis were percentage, frequency, mean and standard deviation. The results was showed that (1) from the study of online learning behavior of students using a 5-level rating scale, it was found that the overall student online learning behavior was 2.38 (S.D. =.80). From the results of the study, it can be seen that students' online learning behaviors are problematic which affect learning. For this reason, learners should modify their learning behaviors to make learning more effective.

(2) From studying the teaching efficiency of teachers by using a 5-level of rating scale. The overall teaching efficiency of the teachers was averaged 3.54 (S.D. =.83), meaning that the teaching efficiency was moderate. It was found that the students found online teaching makes me cannot concentrated to the study. The mean is 3.32 (S.D. =.92) and the teachers have interesting techniques for teaching online. The mean diversity was 3.39 (S.D. =.83)

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How to Cite
Gulatee, Y., Yernnan , . J., Phimsri , N. . ., & Yoosabai, Y. . (2022). Study Behavior and Online Teaching Efficiency in the Era of New Normal. Sripatum Review of Humanities and Social Sciences, 22(2), 101–114. retrieved from


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