Attitudes on Trustworthiness in E-commerce and Technology Acceptance of Cryptocurrency Users in Thailand

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Nattaphat Khaokhangphlu
Pongnarin Pitjatturat
Tamayura Sadnum
Potjana Bamkhuntod
Pusadee Nilsamak
Napan Sinthusiri


This research aimed (1) to test the influence of causal factors on trustworthiness in             e-commerce, and technology acceptance and (2) to test the influence of trustworthiness in          e-commerce on the technology acceptance of cryptocurrency users in Thailand. The research methodology is quantitative. The samples were 385 cryptocurrency users. The researcher used questionnaires as the research instrument. The statistics used to test the hypothesis were relationship analysis using structural equation modeling techniques. The research results found that the causal factors of consumer attitude, cognitive and behavioral components positively influenced trustworthiness in e-commerce and technology acceptance. At the same time, trustworthiness in e-commerce positively influences technology acceptance. However, the cognitive component does not influence trustworthiness in e-commerce, but is a factor that negatively influences technology acceptance. Moreover, entrepreneurs should develop a marketing strategy for publicizing news related to the use of cryptocurrencies for business, whether it can be used to pay for goods or can conduct financial transactions online in real with the business. In addition, government agencies should encourage and certify the legal use of cryptocurrencies for debt settlement to encourage investment within the country.

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How to Cite
Khaokhangphlu, N. ., Pitjatturat, . P. ., Sadnum, T. ., Bamkhuntod, P. ., Nilsamak, P. ., & Sinthusiri, N. . (2023). Attitudes on Trustworthiness in E-commerce and Technology Acceptance of Cryptocurrency Users in Thailand. Sripatum Review of Humanities and Social Sciences, 23(2), 53–66. retrieved from


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