The Effect of Applying Learning and Enjoying in Mathematics (5T Model) to Encourage the Skills of Mathematical Proof Interpersonal Skills and Responsibility of Pre-service Teachers

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ยุภาดี ปณะราช


This study integrated teaching and research. The objectives of this research were to promote the skills of mathematical proof and study interpersonal skills and responsibility of pre-service teacher. The sample was 38 pre-service teachers in the Mathematics program, Faculty of Education, Kamphaeng Phet Rajabhat University (KPRU) who enrolled in the principles of mathematics courses in the first semester of academic year 2014. The instruments included the Learning and Enjoying in Mathematics (5T Model), the test of mathematical proof’s skills, and the questionnaire of interpersonal skills and responsibility. Data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and t-test. The results showed that:

  1. Pre-service teachers had the skills of mathematical proof after using 5T Model and it was significance at .05 level higher than 70 percent. During the process of 5T Model, they had 83.74 percent on score of a group process and 74.39 percent on score of the individual practicing.

  2. Pre-service teachers had a total score and all items on interpersonal skills and responsibility at the highest level. The first three highest mean scores were all members who accepted the results of the activity willingly. All members were important to the achievement of the target activity, and everyone believed that every member of the group was able to do activities to achieve the goals. Moreover, they had the method to help their friends to comprehend what they have assigned as a self-study on the content. After that they explained, giving examples, asking and answering questions for clearly understanding. Whenever, they were delegated to do the test if they got the correct answer they felt self-esteem, gladness, and willingness to do more. However, they also felt regret when having a wrong answer, and they thought of having more study. On the other hand, when their friends were delegated to do the test, if the friend did the right or wrong answers, they expressed their great appreciation to all friends and encouraged in positive ways. Sometime they felt sad, but their friends did the best.

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