Development of People’s Democratic Ways in Moo 14, Ban Song Sub-District, WiangSa District, SuratThani

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The objectives of this research were to study the needs for development of people’s democratic ways, and to develop and assess the people’s democratic ways in Moo 14,Ban Song Sub-District, Wiangsa District, Surat Thani. The research procedure consisted of two steps according to the objectives as follows:

            Step 1 was used to study the needs for development of people’s democratic ways by reviewing related literature and studies and to collect data by using a questionnaire. The research finding showed that the overall needs for development of people’s democratic ways in the community were at a high level ranked in descending order: political system, target, and ways of life, respectively.

Step 2 was used to develop people’s democratic ways. The researchers conducted a workshop using the AIC technique and selected 30 participants by using purposive sampling. The analysis of problems in present toward the development of people’s democratic ways (A1) regarding the target showed that the people did not have opportunities to express opinions on various matters and most people did not realize the importance of expressing opinions. Regarding the political system, there was a vote buying and a lack of attendance, and the leaders hoped to take advantages only. Regarding ways of life, the problems were people spoke impolitely and ironically; people did not accept others’ opinions; and people were not involved in planning. The analysis of determining possible solutions for the future (A2) regarding the target showed that people should be involved in the public relations for activities being held in the community; the community leaders should listen to others’ opinions; people should be educated in rights and how to be good citizens according to democratic ways. Regarding political system, the problems were there was a vote buying and scandalization of political opponents; the leader should have a broad vision; and the citizens should have a right to propose a candidate and should be educated in election.

            For creating development (Influence : I) regarding target, people suggested having a box of comments so that the community leaders can be aware of the requirements or actual development of people’s democratic ways, or a morning coffee field where people can exchange opinions. Regarding political system, people showed the needs to improve qualification of candidates, transparent inauguration, support of engagement against vote buying, being educated in election. Regarding ways of life, people showed the needs to take part in the development of people’s democratic ways. For brainstorming, there was a classification of campaigns and prioritization of activities focusing on the fact that most people would be able to get benefits and those activities, which were done by the people themselves, presented to Sub-District Administration Organization, and presented to other sectors, can solve many problems. For creating practice guidelines (Control: C) and seeking a person in charge, each member was asked to register for activities voluntarily. The activity that was done by people themselves was having a box of comments being heard by the community leaders. The activity that required some helps from the Sub-District Administrative Office was community meetings strengthening democracy in the community for sustainable development. In addition, the activity that required some helps from other sectors was trainings providing knowledge about politics. Planning (C2) was used to indicate precise details and steps of each activity, which was done by them, presented to Sub-District Administration Organization, and presented to other sectors. The analysis of the people’s democratic ways by comparing knowledge about democratic ways of the sample between pre-training and post-training showed that the post-training score was higher than the pre-training score at statistical significance level of 0.05.

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