The Strategy Preparedness for Prevention and Solution of Natural Disaster with Integrated State Sector and People Sector Partition, Surat Thani Province

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วิศาล ศรีมหาวโร


This research aims to study the transformation of the area and the problems of natural disasters, prevention and resolution of natural disasters, decision of strategic preparation, strategic assessment, and strategic development. The key information of this research includes stakeholders from the impact of natural disasters and those involved with tackling disasters from the government agents, local leaders, local NGOs, public interest organizations, community leaders and 360 representatives from 6 communities. Specific sampling method is the main contributors of each objective. The research tools are document analysis, in-depth interviews, group analysis of internal and external factors by using SWOT Analysis and public hearing through the World Café process analyzed by content analysis.

The results showed that the aspect of changing areas of Surat Thani Province has changed in economy, infrastructure, social situation, population, governance, natural resources and environment which resulted from the development. For the prevention and problem solving, it is found that there are problems of legal provisions of disaster zone declaration, followed by lack of knowledge and understanding of skills in using modern tools, few workers with several duties, giving little importance of leaders and community leaders, lack of preparedness and effective public relations, inability of self-help, and lack of integrated patch management. For the determination of strategy for evaluation and development, it is found: 1) an SO strategy such as promoting an integrated management system, infrastructure that is not contrary to nature, creation of community strength, public relations system and establishment of WO strategic network including pushing project and budget for disaster solution, creating knowledge and understanding of new forms of disaster; 2) an ST Strategy comprising developing potential leaders and develops the principle of self-reliance, and 3) a WT Strategy including training for awareness of natural disasters, and preparation for communication systems and personnel readiness and equipment for economical tourism areas.

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