The Relationships between Transformational Leadership and Knowledge Management of School Administrators the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 11

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ปฐมา ชุมศรี


The purposes of this research were to study the transformational leadership level the knowledge management level of educational administrators and the relationship between the transformational leadership level and knowledge management level of educational administrators in the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 11. Three hundred and twenty teaching teachers in Surat Thani were included as the sample size of this study. The respond rate of data collection questionnaire was used as the data instrument. Percentage, mean, standard deviation and correlation analysis was used to the statistical analysis, Pearson’s test. The results of this study showed that the overall level of the transformational leadership in the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 11 had high level. Regarding each areas of the transformational leadership showed that all areas of the transformational leadership had high level. The sort average levels of transformational leadership areas were the intellectual stimulation. For the knowledge management level showed that the overall level of knowledge management level had high level. Concerning each areas of the knowledge management level for educational administrators showed that all areas of the knowledge management levels had high level. The sort average levels of the knowledge management areas were the knowledge Acquisition. The positive relationship between the transformational leadership level and knowledge management level of educational administrators in The Secondary Educational Service Area Office 11 was statistically significant level of .05.

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