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ยุภาดี ปณะราช


Development of Mathematics Camp can be conducted in three stages : Action planning stage ; to prepare and design the activities, Implementation stage ; to employ the Mathematics Camp activities with the students, and Evaluation stage ; to consider reaction, learning, behavior and result. The Mathematics Camp activities can improve both pre-service teachers and students ‘competency and performance in mathematics and desirable characteristics. The pre - service teachers in Mathematics program will develop the intellectual skill. They can bring their knowledge used to manage learning and develop student. The interpersonal skill and responsibility, they can practice to perception and empathy in listen with primary and secondary students who learn mathematics. The last is learning management skill, they can learn how to manage learning in many ways creatively. For the students who attend in Mathematics Camp, the will get the mathematical knowledge, mathematical process and skills, science skills, and the important of desirable characteristics such as teamwork, learning to live together, leadership and followership, adaptation, helping each other, discipline, sacrifice, patience, punctuality, and good attitude toward mathematics. This can be applied in the classroom and in everyday life.

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