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ศิริวรรณ จุลทับ
จินตนา ตันสุวรรณนนท์


This research aimed to study proactive public relations strategies and key success factors of the three southern higher education institutions namely Prince of Songkla University, Suratthani Rajabhat University and Hat Yai University. Key informants were 1) senior administrators, 2) heads of public relations divisions, 3) staff in public relations divisions, and 4) stakeholders. Qualitative research methods of in-depth interview and focus group along with guided questions from researcher - made interview guidelines were used to collect data. Data obtained from in - depth interview and focus group was transcribed and documents were analyzed. Subsequently, descriptive analysis was used to categorize the data into themes and sub - themes according to research questions. Finally, all the themes and sub-themes were organized into finding chapter.

            The results revealed that five main strategies were required to achieve the proactive public relations including 1) clear policies on proactive public relations, 2) variety of activities and methods of proactive public relations to achieve each goal and contribute to organizational culture, 3) various and modern communication tools and channels, 4) creation of networks to coordinate outreach communication, and 5) initiative techniques to promote different and distinctive public relations.

            The findings also indicated six salient key success factors as follows : 1) a clear policy along with leaders’ practical visions to put the policy into practice 2) availability of organizations and experienced personnel with particular expertise, 3) concerns on raising moraie and encouragement to personnel,4) participations of leaders and staff, 5) diverse and modern communication channels, and 6) building strong relationships with other mass media.

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